January 6, 2018
  • 374

Muhammad Ali’s Birthday is January 17th, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday is January 15th and the month of February has been designated as Black History Month. When you finish reading this blog please explain to me what does the black athlete in the NFL, NBA, MLB and the few black players in the NHL have to celebrate relating to these two great men? They gave their lives to allow them to stand for something and not fall for just anything. These athletes should hang their heads and confess they dropped the ball.

Recently a CNN media personality wrote a blog titled “What MLK Might Say To Donald Trump? My question and response would be “What MLK Might Say To Black America, especially, the black athlete?”

by Black Men In America.com on January 6, 2018

In 1955, Rosa Parks in Montgomery, Alabama refused to go to the back of bus. She sparked the modern day Civil Rights movement and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., emerged as its leader. My first encounter with racial injustice in America was in 1960, when four black students who were enrolled at North Carolina A&T College in Greensboro, N. C. said, “Enough is enough!” On February 1, 1960, the four freshmen Ezell Blair, Jr. Franklin McCain, Joseph McNeil, and David Richmond walked downtown and “sat-in” at the “Whites Only” lunch counter at Woolworth’s Department store. They refused to leave and that act of defiance revolutionized the Civil Rights movement.

Click Here for the full article.


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